Binding nutrients

Too many algae in the pond are an indication for an oversupply of nutrients in the water. In order to "starve" and reduce the amount of algae effectively, it is necessary to bind the algae nutrient phosphate. Even small concentrations of 0.035mg/l can cause algal bloom.

But just how does phosphate enter your garden pond in the first place?

The most common sources of input are fish food, fish excrements, leaves and phosphate-rich filling water. Commonly, rainwater also washes lawn fertiliser and nutrient-rich soil from planting containers and garden beds into the pond. Furthermore, as a result of algae control measures, decomposing algae represent nutrient-packed food.

As phosphate cannot escape from the water, the result is eutrophication which, in turn, leads to algal bloom. The use of phosphate-binding agents should, therefore, be an indispensable part of your garden pond maintenance routine. Particularly following algae treatment (2. controlling algae), we recommend maintenance step three.

Phosphate binders by Söll

By applying Söll phosphate binders, algal bloom can be prevented reliably and in a manner compatible with the environment. Algal bloom does not stand a chance when P-Lock AlgaeStop or Turbo PhosphatBinder is applied at the beginning of the season and after every algae controlling measure. It's good to know that..... phosphate which is bound using Söll products cannot be released back into the water or cause renewed algal bloom.

Our advice: Regularly check the phosphate level of your garden pond’s water! Through the use of AQUA-CHECK by Söll, this becomes a cinch. At the touch of a button, the electronic photometer provides readings of laboratory accuracy.

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